
Please note the following limitations and hints for the Word export module:

      Requires .NET Framework 4.8.

      Compatible with Microsoft Word® 2010 and higher.

      It is recommended that the width of all columns of a line matches the total width of the report container. During the design, try always to justify the borders of different cells that occur in multiple table sections (header line, data line etc.) or multiple line definitions. Otherwise, the result can be falsified in Microsoft Word.

      Table lines that contain a picture will be exported with a fixed height.

      A mix of different page formats is not supported. To achieve an export of e.g. portrait and landscape format, all pages of the same format can be each exported to a separate document.

      Due to format restrictions, it might be necessary to adapt the report's layout before exporting to DOCX. We suggest to thoroughly testing the output before redistribution. Also, note the options DOCX.CellScalingPercentageHeight and DOCX.CellScalingPercentageWidth.

      Tabulators are not supported.

      Issue print is not supported.

      The fit option "compress" in the properties of a column is not supported.

      Shadow Pages are not supported.

      The option 'Separators fixed' in the table object is not supported.

      The option 'Fixed size' in the table object is not supported.

      The wrapping option 'Minimum Size' in the crosstab object is not supported.

      When using the option DOCX.FloatingTableMode it is not possible to use a report container that contains multiple objects with different structures.

      Frame inner offsets are not supported.

      Columns of type 'Table' will be exported as picture.

      Anchoring lines is not supported.

      Certain control characters cannot be displayed in Microsoft Word and are therefore filtered out of texts using the. NET Framework method Char.IsControl().

      Table of contents and index are only exported as simple tables without links.

      Line spacing is not directly supported. However, these can be simulated with the help of blank lines and the properties "Inerasable" (Yes) and "Blank Optimization" (No). Alternatively, it is also possible to use "Chr$(13)" without setting the above properties.

      Background color of the report container is not supported.

      The "Fill Horizontally" property for multi-column tables is not supported correctly.

      Two-part gradients are not supported for ellipse objects, only horizontal and vertical gradients (bright).

      Linked crosstabs are not supported.

      Frames around individual tables and background colors of individual tables are not supported.

      Active links for directory entries in index and table of contents are not supported.