Integrate List & Label

The .NET assemblies are available for .NET 6/7/8 as well as .NET Framework 4.8.

First a reference to the List & Label assembly has to be added to the project. If possible, references to the .NET assemblies should be added via the NuGet package manager. This ensures that all required dependencies are added as well. You can find our NuGet packages at

Furthermore, special NuGet packages are available for the List & Label Enterprise Edition that contain all modules and do not require a List & Label installation and are therefore suitable for use on e.g. build servers like Azure DevOps. Your personal NuGet feed for use e.g. in the Visual Studio NuGet Package Manager can be found in the file "PersonalLicense.txt" in your List & Label installation. Please note that your List & Label license must be registered for this purpose.

All NuGet packages are also available as special "Signed" NuGet packages with the signed List & Label assemblies.

When using these NuGet packages on a build server, you usually need a nuget.config file (see below), which must be located in the directory of the corresponding project file, to specify where the NuGet packages should be obtained from (see for more information). Incidentally, the use of a nuget.config file is helpful for the same reason if you have defined multiple package sources that contain List & Label NuGet packages.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>



    <!-- remove inherited connection strings -->

    <clear />

    <add key="<any name, e.g. ListLabel29Enterprise>" value="<Personal NuGet feed for Enterprise NuGet Packages>" />

    <add key="" value="" protocolVersion="3" />



Alternatively, the NuGet packages for offline use can be found under "Samples\Microsoft .NET\NuGet" of the installation.

Note: Please note that the List & Label NuGet packages and their dependencies use Semantic Versioning 2.0.0, and therefore the following prerequisites apply:

- NuGet 4.3.0+

- Visual Studio 2017 version 15.3+

- Visual Studio 2015 with NuGet VSIX v3.6.0

- dotnet: dotnetcore.exe (.NET SDK 2.0.0+)

The assemblies themselves are located in the respective "Assemblies" subdirectory under "Samples\Microsoft .NET\” of the installation.

In the second step an instance of the component can be created. This can be done either by the development environment directly by dragging the ListLabel component onto a form. Alternatively, the component can also be created dynamically:

combit.Reporting.ListLabel LL = new combit.Reporting.ListLabel();

Generally the namespaces combit.Reporting and combit.Reporting.DataProviders are prereferenced by "using" for the whole file. This saves a lot of typing later.

using combit.Reporting;

using combit.Reporting.DataProviders;

When using dynamic creation, the component should be released by the Dispose method after its use, so that the unmanaged resources can be released as soon as possible.


Due to performance reasons it is recommended that you always keep an instance of the ListLabel object in memory globally for the dynamic creation as well. It can be created in the Load event of the application's main window and released again in the FormClosed event for example. The essential advantage is that the List & Label modules won't be loaded and released for every new instance, which can lead to undesirable delays of frequent calls or e.g. multiple prints.