GetOption (ILLDataProvider)


HRESULT GetOption (enOptionIndex nIndex, VARIANT* vValue);


Only used at node level. List & Label queries additional information with this.


nIndex: One of the following values

OPTION_SCHEME_AND_DEFAULTS, is used to optimize schema queries. By default, this option must be ignored first or the result in vValue must be set to OPTION_SCHEMAROWUSAGEMODE_NONE.

OPTION_SUPPORTED_AS_1_TO_1_RELATION, is used to determine whether a given relation can also be resolved "backwards" as a 1:1 relation. In this case, the name of the relation is passed with vValue and the return value is to be returned with S_FALSE or S_OK.

vValue: Pointer to variant for data exchange

Return value:

E_NOTIMPL for root objects, otherwise dependent on nIndex.