Export Files as ZIP Compressed Archive

Should, for example, the results of a picture or HTML export need to be sent by mail, it is often more practical, to send the export results as a ZIP archive. All export formats support a programming interface for this purpose. Data compression can be set by the user via a dialog, by selecting the option "ZIP archive (*.zip)" from the list of available file filters. Alternatively, the output can be controlled by code. The following options are available:

Export.SaveAsZIP: Activates the compression of exported data. If this option is set, the ZIP-Filter will be selected in the dialog.




Compression is not performed


The export data will be compressed into a ZIP archive




Please note, that the user can modify the default settings via the dialog. If this is to be inhibited, set the option "Export.Quiet" to "1".

Export.SaveAsZIPAvailable: Here you can hide the ZIP archive filter within the file select dialog.




Filter hidden


User selection possible




Export.ZIPFile: (Default-)Name of the ZIP file to be created e.g. "export.zip". For the file names in the ZIP archive the following rules apply:

   if "Export.File" is not assigned, the name of the ZIP archive is used with a corresponding file extension (e.g. "export.htm")

   if "Export.File" is assigned, this will then be used. If an export format generates one file per page, the placeholder "%d" can be used for the page number e.g. "Invoice Page %d.bmp" for the bitmap exporter


Export.ZIPPath: Path of the created ZIP files