
Export means the output to one of the supported output formats like PDF, HTML, RTF, XLS, etc (the complete list can be found in chapter The Export Modules). The code for starting an export is identical with a print, in the print options dialog the user can choose any export format besides the "normal” output formats Printer, File and Preview. If a format is to be preselected by default, the print start could be as follows:

ListLabel LL = new ListLabel();
LL.DataSource = CreateDataSet();
LL.ExportOptions.Add(LlExportOption.ExportTarget, "PDF");


The other options (e.g. font embedding, encryption, etc.) can also be preset with default values directly from code. This is done, as in the example above, by using the ExportOptions class; the LlExportOption enumeration contains all supported options as values.

Most frequently these are required to execute a "silent" export. It is more convenient to use the Export() method of the component. Please see the "Export Sample".