Digitally Sign Export Results

By accessing the products digiSeal® office and digiSeal® server from secrypt GmbH, you can digitally sign PDF, TXT (if the option "Export.AllInOneFile" is set) and Multi-TIFF files generated with List & Label. Besides the software, you need a card reader and a signature card with a certificate stored on it. Details of hard and software requirements can be found in the signature provider's documentation.

The digiSeal® office package contains the digiSealAPI.dll file or the dsServerAPI.dll file in digiSeal® server, which must also be delivered together with the redistributable files of List & Label. The DLL's corresponding signature file (*.signatur) may also be required. Please note that you also will need a software certificate (*.pfx file) when using digiSeal® server. Detailed information can be obtained directly from secrypt GmbH.