Designer Quick Start via Sample Application

A quick way to become acquainted with the Designer and its possibilities is to use the List & Label sample application. This standalone sample application is just for demonstration purposes and shows the various possibilities that the Designer offers. The data is taken from a fixed sample database.

You will find the application in the start menu group. It enables you to start the List & Label Designer immediately, and gain an overview of its functionality and flexibility through the wide variety of layout examples provided. The Designer is started by clicking Design from the menu and selecting an entry - e.g. invoice. Before the actual start, you can select an existing project file in the file selection dialog – or enter a new file name. The full functionality of the List & Label Designer – from the perspective of this sample application – is now available to you.

In addition, the List & Label sample application allows you to print existing or newly created projects using sample data records, or to use one of the export formats for output. Select one of the items in the Print menu. In the subsequent print options dialog, you can choose the output destination or export format.