
This data provider is in an exceptional position because it can be inserted as a component directly from the toolbox. The component provides a few properties, which are also available through the SmartTags. The most important property is “ConnectionProperties”. By using the corresponding property editor, a connection string can be directly created in the development environment that provides access to following data sources:

  Microsoft Access

  ODBC data sources (e.g. Excel data)

  Microsoft SQL-Server (also file based)

  Oracle databases

Once configured the data source is available in the selection window for the DataSource of the ListLabel component and can therefore be directly assigned. By clicking the link “Open report designer…” in the SmartTags of the ListLabel component the Designer can also be directly opened from within the development environment, requiring not a single line of code to access the data of a DataSource.

This data provider automatically supports a single level sorting by any field, ascending or descending.