
"Copies" can mean two different kinds of copies:

a) Copies of labels usually do not mean that multiple pages should be printed, but the copies should be located on labels next to each other.

To support this, get the number of copies before the first LlPrint() call so that you know how many copies should be printed of each label, and set the copies for List & Label to 1, so that List & Label does not use printer copies too.

// user can change the number of copies...:

nCopies = LlPrintGetOption(hJob,LL_PRNOPT_COPIES);

Then, print the requested number of labels:

for (nCopy = 1; (nCopy < nCopies) && (nError == 0); ++nCopy)
       nError = LlPrint(hJob);
       // support AUTOMULTIPAGE (usually memos in file cards)
       while (nError == LL_WRN_REPEAT_DATA)
                nError = LlPrint(hJob);

b) True copies of the sheets, that is, identical pages. This kind of copies is directly handled by List & Label, so no special handling from the developer is necessary.